Mr Craig Rosendale, now aged 36, has received compensation from the NHS for the failure to promptly arrange treatment for a central retinal vein occlusion. This consequently left Mr Rosendale without sight in one eye.
Craig was represented in the compensation claim by Patient Claim Line’s Kate Lozynska.
In May 2014, Craig attended his GP Surgery complaining that he was suffering from blurred vision to his right eye. Craig was referred to the ophthalmology team at Lister Hospital.
Craig attended an appointment at the Eye Clinic at the Hospital and was examined. It was noted that he was suffering from right eye ischemic central retinal vein occlusion. The doctor noted that he advised the Claimant to visit the emergency department at the Hospital for blood pressure evaluation. He would then review the Claimant in one week and decide on pan retinal photocoagulation laser.
Craig was not seen until July 2014. Upon examination, it was noted that Craig had right rubeotic glaucoma secondary to central retinal vein occlusion. The Doctor arranged for laser treatment. Unfortunately, due to a miscommunication, the laser treatment was delayed.
Craig underwent the laser treatment in July 2014. Craig then attended Moorfields Eye Hospital on January 2015. An ultrasound then concluded that he has lost the sight in the right eye.
Craig then underwent a right eye evisceration and implant in January 2015.
Moreover, but for the delay of the laser surgery, Craig would have not lost the sight in his eye.
As a result of loss of the right eye, Craig has been unable to work in his chosen occupation as a heavy goods vehicle driver. He has suffered a loss of congenial employment and he suffers a permanent handicap on the labour market. In addition to suffering the physical injuries Craig has suffered psychological/psychiatric injury with symptoms of depressed mood.
The NHS admitted breach of duty and due to time constrains, an early settlement was agreed in the sum of £50,000.00.
If you have received any sort of medical negligence in London then please get in touch and one of our medical negligence solicitors can guide you through your claim process.