Category: Sepsis
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Sepsis: a guide for parents
Sepsis can affect anyone at any time in their life, however children, particularly premature babies and infants can be more susceptible to developing sepsis, and because of that, it is important for parents to know the signs and symptoms to be aware…
How to claim compensation for infections after surgery
If you have suffered an infection after surgery that was the result of negligent treatment, you may be entitled to compensation. A hospital owes a certain duty of care towards their patients to ensure that they are not exposed to unnecessary or avoid…
Sepsis Awareness Q&A with Dr. Ron Daniels BEM
This World Sepsis Day, Patient Claim Line spoke to Doctor Ron Daniels BEM, the UK Sepsis Trust’s CEO and proud advocate of sepsis awareness. Ahead of the UK Sepsis Trust’s latest campaign ‘schools against sepsis’, Doctor Daniels kindly answered a num…
‘Could this be sepsis?’ A discussion with Tom and Nic Ray on improving awareness, seeking medical help and saving lives
Ahead of World Sepsis Day, Patient Claim Line spoke to Tom and Nic Ray, the incredible individuals behind the public speaking company, Resilience and co. Tom and Nic are two voices with a shared message; be sepsis aware. The following article will de…
What is Sepsis, who can get it and how do I prevent it?
What is sepsis? The Sepsis Alliance describes sepsis as “the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death.” Whereas The UK Sepsis Trust acknowledges it’s your body’s overactiv…
Why has it taken so long to detect sepsis?
Senior Medical Negligence Solicitor, Christian Beadell has concerns ambulance services are not detecting sepsis. Christian’s comments are in response to the East of England Ambulance Service (EEAS) announcing software limitations mean some sepsis cas…