Category: News
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Which areas in the UK have the most missed GP appointments, and how much does it cost the NHS?
The cost of missed appointments to the NHS is huge, with around 1 in 15 medical appointments not attended, and recent data from the NHS has shown that this continues to be an issue in the UK. Members of the public have started to realise, now more so…
Can celebrity awareness help to diagnose cancer?
Written by Litigation Executive, Jennifer Smith Prostate cancer has overtaken breast cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer in England, with 12,039 males dying from prostate cancer between 2017 and 2019 . According to latest figures, around 1 i…
A Virtual NHS – The Future?
By Kate Goodman The NHS has for many years, has been wrestling with increased demand and the impact this has had on bed availability, appointment availability and waiting lists. The NHS has a number of targets that they should meet such as timescales…
Cosmetic Surgery Data Hub
Cosmetic Surgery Statistics UK Cosmetic surgery has been popular in the UK for many years, with various trends coming and going. But which surgical procedures are the most common and what is influencing Brits to go under the knife? We’ve colle…
Three-quarters of us are forcing ourselves into work despite being ill
Three-quarters of us are forcing ourselves into work despite being ill It’s not unusual to worry about taking too much time off work. Whether it’s for annual leave or sick days, many of us can sometimes feel concerned about appearing to be sla…
Which social traits are considered to be the most unacceptable in Britain?
Which social traits are considered to be the most unacceptable in Britain? Brits are renowned for their politeness. In fact, there are certain social traits that would be considered rude in Britain, and only in Britain. To find out which seemingly-mi…
Pensioner awarded £18,000 following late wife’s hospital fall
The incident The client’s wife was a 69-year-old woman at the time of the incident and suffered with COPD. On 25th February 2019, she attended University Hospital of North Midlands NHS Trust via ambulance as she was struggling with shortness of breat…
Man receives 300K after delayed diagnosis of retinal detachment
A 62-year-old former carer suffered a worsening of his loss of vision, after an NHS Trust failed to refer him for urgent eye surgery. The incident In September 2019, the customer noticed that the vision in his left eye was foggy. After seeking…
Woman awarded six-figure settlement following hospital fall
A pensioner has received a six-figure sum after hospital staff failed to provide any adequate transfer information to an Ambulance Service, who were transporting her to a rehabilitation centre. The Claimant later fell during a transfer from a wheelch…
NHS Trust’s failure to identify stress fracture results in delayed treatment
After an NHS Trust failed to identify a simple stress fracture, our 53-year-old client was immobilised for a number of months. Following legal representation from Patient Claim Line, our client was awarded £17,500 by St George's Healthcare NHS Trust.…
Hospital fails to treat cyclist’s dislocated wrist correctly
A 34 year old man was left with permanent reduced range of movement and grip strength after a hospital failed to treat his dislocated wrist correctly. Ryan Smithyman has been awarded £52,500 by University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust after t…
How has COVID-19 affected medical treatment in the UK? Research findings
Since the outbreak of Coronavirus in the UK last year, the pandemic has taken a serious toll on the NHS with Professor Chris Withy reporting that the NHS is facing 'the worst crisis in living memory' (Daily Mail, January 2021). As a result, many Brit…