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Written by

Hannah Luscombe - Associate & Senior Solicitor

A 31-year-old woman suffered post-traumatic stress disorder after a medical mistake was made during surgery.

Stephanie Magson of Bradford, West Yorkshire, underwent surgery for a persistent left tube ovarian abscess in September 2015. During the surgery, a number of adhesions were also dissected.

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust admitted that during the surgery there was a failure to notice a serosal tear and if the bowel had been adequately inspected during the surgery, the serosal defect would have been repaired intra-operatively.

This would have meant that Stephanie would have avoided a further laparotomy for colonic repair a week later. The following month she was readmitted with an enterocutaneous fistula and a further laparotomy and sigmoid colectomy in February 2016.

The surgery was successful and Stephanie was able to return to work in March 2016. She suffered a prolonged recovery period, significant loss of amenity and inability to perform acts of daily living.

As a result of the hospital’s negligence, Stephanie suffered PTSD and required psychotherapy sessions. Her injuries included bowel injury and psychiatric damage. She suffered intra-abdominal sepsis, avoidable laparotomies and a sigmoid colectomy.

Stephanie contacted Patient Claim Line in March 2016 and they handled the medical negligence claim on her behalf. Hannah Luscombe, a medical negligence solicitor at Patient Claim Line, handled the case and obtained £50,000 compensation for Stephanie from Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Hannah Luscombe said: “I am delighted to secure this settlement for Stephanie after all that she has been through over the last three years and wish her the very best for the future.”

If you have experienced any type of medical negligence in Yorkshire, we have expert medical negligence solicitors in Yorkshire that can guide you through the claims process.

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