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Written by

Trevor Ward - Partner, Senior Birth Injury Solicitor

The incident


After giving birth to her son in an ambulance on the way to hospital, our client approached Patient Claim Line for severe psychological distress. Our client’s son, now eight, lives with an admitted brain injury as a result of the birth.

Patient Claim Line are representing her son’s case separately with the RCJ High Court. During the birth, there was a delay in recognising and acting upon the CTG – Cardiotocography is a technical means of recording the fetal heartbeat – and consequently, our client delivered her newborn baby in the University Hospital’s Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust car park.

The impact of the experience, coupled with her son’s ongoing case, have been far from easy for our client.

Her second claim is in relation to an exacerbation of a pre-existing anxiety and previous unconnected depressive disorder, Dysthymia.


The case


Our client contacted Patient Claim Line where experienced solicitor, Trevor Ward carried out a full and frank discussion in relation to her experiences. Trevor listened to our client in full and saw some of the supporting evidence she had.

On that basis, he then decided there was a potential case to be heard and recommended our client saw a psychiatrist. The case is also of particular interest as the settlement occurred some four years after expiry of the primary Limitation period.


“Our client is doing Ok but has anxious moments. She is concentrating on her son and his claim. She has funds for treatment but in view of Covid-19 is postponing the same for now.”


Trevor Ward

The outcome


Earlier this year, our client received a final settlement for £22,500 for her psychological distress due to birth negligence.

In conclusion to legal proceedings, Trevor told us:

“On the basis that our client was not expecting anything, she considered this to be a splendid outcome.”


Trevor Ward is a Solicitor within Patient Claim Line’s Medical Negligence department


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